Monday, October 10, 2011

Judge James S Parker Have you heard Of This Statue KIDNAPPING; FALSE IMPRISONMENT

Judge James S Parker
DeSoto County
115 Oak Street
Arcadia, Florida  34266

These are the statues and amendment that I Know were broken, I did the best I could looking it up but I am not a trained professional and I hope you can make sense of these.

Chapter 787

787.01 Kidnapping; kidnapping of child under age 13, aggravating  The term “kidnapping” means forcibly, secretly, or circumstances.—(1)(a) by threat confining, abducting, or imprisoning another person against her or his will and without lawful authority, with intent to:
Hold for ransom or reward or as a shield or hostage. 1.
Commit or facilitate commission of any felony. 2.
Inflict bodily harm upon or to terrorize the victim or another person. 3.
Interfere with the performance of any governmental or political function. 4.
Confinement of a child under the age of 13 is against her or his (b) will within the meaning of this subsection if such confinement is without the consent of her or his parent or legal guardian.
A (2) person who kidnaps a person is guilty of a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 

He did not return the child after he found out there was no abuse and that a social worker had made the report and it was ruled unfounded, so in essence he allowed her to remain in state custody after the illegal removal, we have to this day not seen a warrant, the police of North Port also said they did not see it.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Judge James S. Parker Arcadia Florida Can I Expect A Fair Unbiased Judge 12th curcuit

Judge James S. Parker and Judge Don T Hall 12th circuit court Judges in Arcadia Florida, Desoto County are the only two Judges in this circuit so if they were in not one but two businesses together would this be a conflict of interest?

This is what I do not know, if Parker and Hall run a for profit media business for rodeos and they are running two non-profit rodeos are they awarding themselves contracts? I do not know. But what I do know with only two judges in this circuit and both of them in 2 businesses together how can anyone reasonable expect fair unbiased judge, if I get my case from Parker then I face his good friend and business partner. I truly feel this is wrong but I do not know if it is against the law.

Rodeo Marketing Promotions, LLC is a For-Profit organization run by

§                                 Don T Hall—He is the other 12th circuit Judge, how can I get a fair trial? If I go sue Judge Parker, he would not risk his business, I do not see how they can own a business together and not be a conflict of interest,
§                                                         Managing Member
§                                 Marvin W Brown
§                                                         Managing Member
§                                 James S Parker
§                                                         Managing Member
§                                 Robert D Staton  
§                                                         Managing Member
§                                 Willard Wood 
§                                                         Managing Member

§                                 Arcadia All Florida Championship Rodeo Association Inc—Non-profit
§                                 Walter Brown Corrections officer in Desoto county.
§                                                         Vice President
§                                                         Director
§                                                         President
§                                 Don T Hall
§                                                         President
§                                                         Director
§                                 Robert Staton
§                                                         Treasurer
§                                                         Director
§                                 James B Fussell
§                                                         Director
§                                                         Secretary
§                                 James S Parker
§                                                         Vice President
§                                 Rusty Cox
§                                 Willard Wood

Arcadia Youth Rodeo Association, Inc Non-profit

§                                 Don T Hall
§                                                         President
§                                 James B Fussell
§                                                         Secretary

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Think You Want To Stand Up To Judge James S Parker? Be Prepared To Go To Jail.


The Prosecution Of Nancy Grant In Florida

Unauthorized Practice Of Law Or Harassment?

In the year 2000 I had two sons in jail. They’re both home now and doing fine. As their mother I would have attended every hearing but discovered they were not having any. What was and still is going in the DeSoto County Courthouse are plea deal hearings held behind closed doors inside 12th Circuit Judge James S. Parker’s chambers. The public is not allowed. The closed door hearings are being conducted through audio visual and, at times, an inmate is physically taken there to be threatened. If an inmate is offered a plea deal and does not take it then he/she remains in jail until they are offered another deal, months later. The longest time the accused have remained in the DeSoto County Jail is 3 years. My research has revealed the longest time the accused to remain in a county jail is seven years in Miami, Florida. These detainee’s cases are continued without their knowledge or permission and they remain in jail, “incognito” until they are called for the next plea deal hearing. No defenses are being built in 100% of the cases, if you are arrested you are guilty. This system encompasses the entire United States. Because my story has gone out over the internet I now receive letters from all over the country from inmate...that I am not allowed to answer.
I reported in writing about the closed doors hearings to the 12th Circuit Court Administrator in Sarasota, the Judicial Qualifications Commission, the Attorney General of Florida (Charlie Cris at that time) but no corrective action came about as the results of my letters.
So I took decided to form the FPB, Florida Pro se Bar. A certified paralegal drafted an EMD, “Emergency Motion to Dismiss”, a 5 page document demanding the release of the prisoner due to speedy trial violations by the court. Prisoners could simply write their case numbers, their attorneys names, how long they had been in jail along with their signature then mail it back to the FPB. Included with the EMD was a waiver that with a signature was acknowledgment by the inmate that the FPB were non lawyers but could assist them in filing their “pro se” pleading. No fee was required or accepted.
The Emergency Motions to Dismiss were mailed to 55 inmates that had been held over 180 days in the DeSoto County jail. The EMD document contained US Constitution, Florida Constitution, US Supreme Court case law, Florida case law, Florida Statutes, rules of procedure etc regarding the right to speedy trial. Those that signed the document were suddenly demanding their speedy trial rights or be released. These inmates were immediately offered sweet deals to move them. This interrupted the courts regular flow and commerce.
Several months later, June 2006, I was arrested and charged with UPL (Unlicensed Practice of Law). All I had been doing was mailing documents and filing them at the request of the accused person. During my first appearance in jail 12th Circuit Judge James S. Parker told me I was not allowed to talk to any inmates or inmates family members about anything going on at the jail or courthouse. Bond was set at $50,000. Case # 06 CF 335
During the next 14 months my case continued with an incredible amount of fraud and deception by the officials involved. I will write about that later. In August 2007 I had a mock trial. The jury never heard the "law" I was charged with violating. Florida Statute 454.23, says if you hold yourself out to be an attorney and/or charge for your service, you're practicing law. I did neither. To get around this the prosecutor Donald Hartery prepared “the State’s Special Jury Instructions” just to fit my case. I had to be found guilty. According to the “States Special Jury Instructions, for example, it is considered practicing law if you file a document for another person.
A month later, September 2007, I was sentenced to 15 years probation. The conditions of my probation are: I am not allowed to contact prisoners directly or indirectly. I was fined $33,600 even though there were no victims. My “criminal” score sheet reflects, “Victim impact 0”. I am not allowed to file “pro se” any lawsuits and must have a Florida Bar attorney to represent me. I have a perfect driving record but my license has been suspended, even though this was not a motor vehicle related case. My license will not be reinstated until the entire $33,600 is paid. (Since 2003 I’ve been the chairperson for a PAC, (Political Action Committee) registered with the Florida Division of Elections, called the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law, the common acronym is JAIL4judges. See To work J4J’s I was traveling to different counties collecting signatures on petitions, so I am assuming this is why the court took my license. Since I am on probation like all probationers I have to submit to drug testing and have to get permission to leave the county. My monthly payment on the $33,600 is $236.18 to Florida Department of Corrections.
After my sentencing I filed a federal racketeering/extortion lawsuit. I was re-arrested February 23, 2008 and charged with violating my probation, even though during my sentencing (the new judge on my case) Judge Lee Haworth stated that they had no jurisdiction over what I did in federal court. I was sentenced to 6 months in jail and served 4 and 1/2. On July 1, 2008 I was released. I’ve remained quiet till the outcome of my appeal, which was denied, “per curium affirmed” on November 13, 2009. I wrote a letter to my public defender for the appeal asking he request an Opinion. His motion is still pending. Case # 2D-07-5083
During my trial 17 inmates were brought from around the state of Florida to testify against me. Not one of them did. Their testimonies were all the same: They all knew I was not an attorney and did not charge; their cases were continued without their knowledge or permission, and they were held with no hearings until they were offered the deals. In many of them they were threatened with 40 years for each count or life sentences if they didn’t take the plea, ‘right now!’ In 100% of the cases no defenses were prepare. They were all offered sweet deals after they filed their EMD and their attorneys became more attentive to them. In fact, they admitted I helped them. The court never responded to the EMD that were filed by the inmates.
If you are arrested you are guilty. The only way to get out of jail is accept a plea deal to serve a short sentence in county jail, be put on probation or go to state prison. The plea deal system has created our huge prison industry because the criminal justice system is racketeering.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Judge James S Parker Arcadia Florida Sets Bail For Accused Child Molester

On a spring morning two years ago, Kimberly Peck saw something shocking in the hut where her daughters were sleeping. Peck, then a member of the Twelve Tribes religious cult, lived with her family in Quonset-style huts on a Central Florida compound. Her new husband, Jeff Leonard, went over to her daughters' tent every morning to wake the girls, and that, she says, was when she witnessed the abuse firsthand.

As Peck watched in fear, 45-year-old Leonard began caressing one of the girls, kissing his stepdaughter intimately and rubbing his hands over places he shouldn't, she told authorities later. When he was finished, he moved over to her younger sister, Peck claims. Peck said she would've tried to stop it if she weren't so alone in the woods. Soon, Peck would learn how alone she was.

Peck spoke to her children, and all three of them -- two daughters and a son -- said they had been molested by their stepfather,

Meanwhile, in an Arcadia courtroom last week, Leonard asked Circuit Court Judge James S. Parker to release him on bail before his trial. Like others in Twelve Tribes, Leonard wore his jet-black hair in a short ponytail, and his scraggly beard nearly touched his chest. He told the judge that tribe members would likely post his bail. "I have limited assets -- a van, tools," he said. "By our beliefs, we hold all things in common."
The judge agreed to set a $250,000 bail for Leonard.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Robin K Jensen and Judge James S Parker Arcadia You Have Been Elected Or Hired Into Your Positions

Robin K Jensen and Judge S James Parker Not Upholding Your Duties To The Public.

Kangroo court at its best.
Robin K Jensen and Judge James S Parker –you have been elected or hired into your positions to serve the public and do what is right and fair.  You are not upholding your duties to the public.  You have abducted the mother of Dulce and Leslie, cutting her off completely from her children, her sister, and the people who care about her.  Where is she?  Supposedly, the reason for her being sequestered was the charges of abuse alleged against me.  Those charges have been dropped because there was no basis for them and no evidence — because it never happened.   Now what is it? Where are you people hiding this poor ill woman.  Her family misses her.

Caseworkers and social workers are oftentimes guilty of fraud. They withhold evidence. They fabricate evidence and they seek to terminate parental rights. However, when charges are made against them, the charges are ignored, They have abused civil rights, violated procedure, lied to the courts, to the parents, and have gotten away with it even when caught. Some have even used racial bias to remove and keep children.

Judge James S Parker Stand up and stop the Corruption and Destroying Families.

“The world is a dangerous place to live,
not because of the people who are evil,

but because of the people who don’t do
anything about it”.
-Albert Einstein

Help us stop bad Judges and lawyers. Now is the time

Randy Kluge

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Judge James S Parker Arcadia FL Do You Care About A Mother's Rights?

James S Parker Arcadia
I wonder how these people get elected.
We were in court June 9, 2011 before Judge James S Parker Arcadia.  Previously in another posting I have written that Judge James S Parker and I were victims.  I now realize that I am the only victim and Judge James S Parker does not follow statues and case laws.  Robin Jensen K Sarasota  and James S Parker are rogue in their enforcement of the laws.  Robin K Jensen puts in front of the judge false statements and rewords statues so it becomes his responsibility when Judge Parker rules.  Time and time  again I have seen evidence put in front of Judge Parker and he does not bother to read it.  He only listens to Robin K Jensen’s testimony.

In court Thursday, neither the mother nor her lawyer were present.  Robin J Jensen stated it would be too hard on the mother because of her mental condition. Why was Dulce’s and Leslie’s mother’s lawyer not there to represent her then?  Judge S James Parker and Robin K Jensen proceeded with the case, having no problems with the lack of representation on the other side.  I have been in court many times during the last 7 months in front of James S Parker.  I’ve seen many other cases and I have never seen him rule against  Robin K Jensen or DCF.
I feel sorry for the people of Arcadia who have no money to appeal the cases of Judge  Parker for he makes many bad rulings, do not take my word just listen to all my court hearings. I would love to have a copy of all of them but Parker will not allow this for he has to cover himself.

In order to make a judicious judgment, a judge needs to know all the facts in a case.  Judge James S Parker only knows what Robin K Jensen says.  Robin S Jensen has no evidence to support her false statements.
Now that the case is over, please call me and I will show you evidence of Robin K Jensen’s false statements.  So that in the future families will not be torn apart. So in the future perhaps Parker will acknowledge all facts from both sides before ruling on a case.
DCF Florida Save Our Children
I signed the petition “Florida Department Of Children And Families (DCF) Power Abuse”. I’m asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 1,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.
Please go to this site, sign the petition and repost. Department of children and families abuse of power.
Thank You

Friday, September 30, 2011

Judge James S Parker of Arcadia, FL Has No Problem Taking Children From Illegal Immigrant

Judge James S Parker of Arcadia FL

Judge James S Parker of  DeSoto County, FL has no problems with taking children from an illegal immigrant mother that has developed mental disease.  The Judge has wrecked the lives of the mother and her children — stealing her children from her when her mental state is diminished, convening hearings that decide the fate of her family’s future when neither she nor her legal representative is present to fight for her rights. The Judge, with the help of crooked DCF lawyer Robin Jensen, placed these children with a family of American strangers, in lieu of their aunt or man and women they consider their father and mother — two families they know, have developed relationships and who are more than willing and able to provide them with a secure, safe, comfortable, and loving environment. The same people who have provided for Dulce since birth (the other child Leslie having been taken from the mother immediately after her birth in the hospital by DCF), ensuring that Dulce’s physical, social/emotional, and medical needs have been provided for.  Ensuring that she has had every opportunity to see and spend quality time with their mother on her good days, and that she has connections to her family.
Judge James S Parker makes many bad decisions and someone has to help correct his errors — they are wrecking lives.
There are cases where it is reasonable or even in the best interest of the child, for the child to be placed with their non biological father.  Read more about the legal standard for this.  This is what I learned.
When Can a Man Who is Not the Biological or Adoptive Father of a Child Have Parental Rights?
There is a strong presumption that a child’s welfare is best served by being in the custody of a natural parent. As a result, non-parents have an uphill battle, and a number of cases end with natural parents winning custody. However, as a matter of public policy, a man who is the non-parental father of a child who has developed emotional parental feelings toward a child may be able to assert the rights as a biological or adoptive parent
How Often Can a Non-Parent Adult Win Child Custody?
An adult who wants custody of a child but is not their birth parent faces an uphill battle. Courts rarely grant non-parents these rights because it is believed that the birth parents provide the best guidance and most attachments to the children. It is only possible for a non-parent adult to win custody of a child if they can show that they are:
psychologically the child’s guardian, or
the biological parent(s) are unfit to be parents
Both of these hurdles are extremely difficult to clear and even if they are met, the non-parent custody must still be shown to be in the child’s best interests.
What Does the Court Take into Consideration in Granting Parental Rights?
A court’s decision in granting child custody right is always based on the best interests of the child regardless of whether the parties seeking custody are the biological or non-biologocial parents.  Factors the Court considers in making their decision include:
Child’s Age
The child’s age is often an important consideration that courts use in determining parental rights. A very young child may be considered unable to form a meaningful parental relationship while an older child’s interest may best be served to protect a developed successful parent-child relationship.
Mother’s Support
The mother’s support in deciding to grant parental rights to a non-biological or non-adoptive father will have significant weight in court. Public Policy has an inclination to protect a marital union, and so, the court may use its power to grant rights to support a current relationship.
You should be considered innocent until it can be proved that you are guilty. If you are accused of a crime, you should always have the right to defend yourself. Nobody has the right to condemn you and punish you for something you have not done.
The Relationship between Child and Man
The court will take into account the depth of the relationship between the child and the man. It will take into consideration whether the parent-child relationship has become well developed and successful
Judge Parker, if you read this, I want you to know that I was the only father Dulce has know since birth — me, Randy. I have the proof of fraud and false staments by DCF.  I will fight for what is right. I hurt worse and worse every day, it is my mission to find a way to have Dulce and Leslie in my life again .  I will not stop until I find a way and I know that I will continue to uncover more fraudulent and illegal activity by Desoto County DCF and yourself as I work to put my family back together.